
Our work in Tanzania started in 2004 with initial trips to the Katavi Region of western Tanzania where we worked with Dr. Tim Caro in sampling diversity of small mammals and birdlife in relation to land protection schemes, from national parks to open forest reserves. Our efforts continued with ecological visits in 2007 by Museum staff. Dr. Jason Riggio, who did his primary research in Tanzania, is now a postdoctoral researcher with the Museum. We are currently exploring funding opportunities to undertake a comprehensive survey of ungulates (surveys) and small mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds (specimen-based) in Eastern Tanzania.
Riggio, J., Foreman, K., Freedman, E., Gottlieb, B., Hendler, D., Radomille, D., et al. Predicting wildlife corridors for multiple species in an East African ungulate community. 2022; PLoS ONE 17(4): e0265136.
Lohay, G. G., Riggio, J., Lobora, A. L., Kissui, B. M., and Morrison, T. A. Wildlife Movements and Landscape Connectivity in the Tarangire Ecosystem. Pages 255-276 in Tarangire: Human-Wildlife Coexistence in a Fragmented Ecosystem, eds. Kiffner, C., Bond, M. L., and Lee, D. E. 2022. Ecological Studies book series (ECOLSTUD, volume 243).
Riggio, J., Jacobson, A. P., Hijmans, R. J., and Caro, T. How effective are the protected areas of East Africa? Global Ecology and Conservation. 2019; Vol. 17: e00573.
Riggio, J., Mbwilo, F., Van de Perre, F., and Caro, T. The forgotten link between northern and southern Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology. 2018; Vol. 56, No. 4: 1012-1016.
Riggio, J., Kija, H., Masenga, E., Mbwilo, F., Van de Perre, F., and Caro, T. Sensitivity of Africa’s larger mammals to humans. Journal for Nature Conservation. 2018; Vol. 43: 136-145.
Engilis, Jr., A., Lalbhai, P., and Caro, T. Avifauna of the Katavi-Rukwa Ecosystem, Tanzania. Journal of East African Natural History. 2009; Vol. 98, No. 1: 95-117.
Gardner, T. A., Caro, T., Fitzherbert, E. B., Banda, T., and Lalbhai, P. Conservation Value of Multiple-Use Areas in East Africa. Conservation Biology. 2007; Vol. 21, No. 6: 1516-1525.
Riggio, J. Checklist of the Birds of Wami-Mbiki Wildlife Management Area, Tanzania. Unpublished.